Publisher of the websiteGalacticaz ProductionsSAS with a capital of 6000 eurosRCS : 849 581 400 R.C.S.Headquarters: 7 allée d’Auxois 78310 MaurepasEmail address: contact[at]galacticaz.comPublication director: Emmanuel Trépied Web host Planethoster, Inc4416 Louis B. Mayer, Laval (Québec)H7P 0G1, Canada+33 1 76 60 41 43 Personal data No personal information is collected without your knowledge, neither it is given up to third parties. You have the right to access, modify and oppose the information, which you may freely exerciseby fulfilling the contact form or writing to contact[at] Our policy for privacy and protection is available here. Stats and cookies The Website uses cookies – text files – that collect data about you in order to improve the quality of your browsing experience.Certain parts of this site may not function correctly if you choose not to accept cookies. When you accept cookies, you authorise the collection of your technical data.The processing of technical data is carried out anonymously using Google Analytics.